Female Symptoms Herpes
Herpes is a viral disease that is increasingly common. In the US the infection rate is one out of every four women, and one out of every five men. It is estimated that there are approximately one million new cases each year.
Most people with herpes don't recognize the symptoms. Sometimes, symptoms may not become visible for months or years. About 80% of those with herpes are unaware of having the infection.
Some of the female symptoms of genital herpes, as well as male herpes symptoms can include painful red dots or tiny blisters on the genitals, swollen glands, fever, and body aches. Other symptoms include itching, burning, tingling and leg pain.
Blisters, or sores, can also appear on the buttocks, and areas surrounding the genitals along with the penis, the vagina, the rectum, the mouth, and more rarely, the esophagus, the trachea, and even onto broken areas of skin anywhere on the body. Wide spread rashes on the body, reminiscent of measles, with redness and swelling may also occur.
The Herpes Simplex virus can also infect the brain in newborn babies who acquire the infection during delivery with disastrous consequences. The risks can be minimized by proper planning prior to delivery.
After the initial infection, symptoms typically show up two to thirty days after having sex with someone who has herpes. The first outbreak of blisters is usually longer and more severe than outbreaks that may occur later.
After the first outbreak, the virus goes dormant into the nerves below the skin in the area where the sores first appeared. During this time, the virus does not cause symptoms and remains inactive, however, an asymptomatic person can still transmit the virus to their partner.
Once a person is infected with the virus, it remains in the body for life. In most people, the virus becomes active from time to time, causing repeated blisters and sores.
While the female symptoms of herpes may be typical and easy to distinguish, there are other diseases with similar symptoms.
A diagnosis should be done only by a medical practitioner utilizing proper testing, such as a Herpes antibody test, or the more sophisticated and sensitive pcr (polymerase chain reaction) blood test.
The above information thankfully comes from the healing-mind-and-body.com at the following link.
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